Monday, March 17, 2025

Immune System

This image reminds me of the times I drank water from a garden hose as a kid...

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Drenching Rain

After a long period of drought, we are currently experiencing a heavy, drenching rain this evening...

We even got a vertical rainbow to celebrate the much needed rain...

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Steep Descent

I took an OHV ride with my neighbors to Box Canyon via several ridges with 360 degree views of the surrounding area. I had intended to make a drone video of us going through the canyon, but high winds kept me grounded. Here's a video of Lance going down a very steep and gnarly slope...

Unfortunately, the camera never quite captures how intimidating an obstacle like this is

Sunday, February 02, 2025

RZR Pro R Factory

Just when I think side-by-side OHVs are beginning to be priced like a Jeep Rubicon, Polaris introduces their RZR Pro R Factory which has a suggested MSRP of $139,999...

Saturday, January 25, 2025

One Year Clean

 Until I ran into my dealer...

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Birthday Party

I attended a birthday party this evening for several of my neighbors. Bill turned 89 (does not looks a day over 88). Rene turned 75 (that's in Canadian years) and Missy hit the big 57 (barely legal in a 55+ park)...

Bill, Missy, Rene

The sad part of the event was realizing that I am one of the park's oldest residents. 😟

Saturday, January 04, 2025


We have not had any significant rain in almost five months. As a result the trails are covered with several inches of dust. Riders come back into the park looking like racoons. Hopefully, we have a lot of ground water as the ATV wash is being heavily used...

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Winter Weather

Here I am complaining about the temperature being in the 50s in southern Arizona when I get this photo from my friend, Terry, in Alpine, Utah...

Where is global warming when you want it

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas Goodies

It's not easy staying on a diet this time of the year with friends dropping off all kinds of treats...

Caramel popcorn

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Depressing News

At my last physical, I was asked "are you depressed". I thought this was an unusual question until I realized that a number of seniors, particularly those who have lost their spouse, are lonely and depressed. Although I answered "no", I think the next time I am asked, I will say "yes, but only when I watch the news".

Monday, December 16, 2024

Mysterious Drones

Drones that weigh 0.55 lbs (250 grams) or more, whether they're used recreationally or commercially, are required by the FAA to have Remote ID which allows the government to locate the control station when a drone appears to be flying in an unsafe manner or where it is not allowed to fly. Either the government knows who owns/operates the drones or they are flying illegally and should be taken down.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Mysterious Visitor

One of the reasons I have surveillance cameras is you never know when a suspicious looking character will vandalize your property by hanging a Christmas stocking on your porch rail at the crack of dawn...

Click on image to enlarge

Thursday, December 12, 2024

2024 Christmas Parade

Every year residents of the Arizonian RV Resort decorate their vehicles and drive around the park wishing everyone a Merry Christmas...


Saturday, December 07, 2024


My trail cam finally captured a Javelina...

Click here for more information on the species

Friday, December 06, 2024

Big Bucks

Someday when I am rich and famous...

Click on image to enlarge

Friday, November 29, 2024

Galaxy SmartTag2

Recently, an enclosed trailer with a paraglider inside was stolen from the park's storage area. With today's portable power tools, locks can easily be removed so I looked into tracking devices that would allow me to find my trailer if it is ever stolen. I wound up purchasing the Samsung Galaxy SmartTag2 which I paired with my Samsung Galaxy S24 smartphone (Apple has their own AirTag for iPhones). These devices determine location using Bluetooth technology from other phones, so they are not as accurate as GPS trackers but they have a much longer battery life and are less expensive. Tonight, I had dinner in Gold Canyon and here is the track to and from the restaurant...

Click image to enlarge

As you can see, it is accurate enough to find a stolen vehicle and for less than $20 it is cheap insurance.

Thursday, November 28, 2024


In case you were concerned that I might go hungry this Thanksgiving, one of my neighbors has invited me over for turkey with dressing and cranberry sauce. I am even going off my diet to have homemade pecan pie for dessert...

An old southern boy's favorite

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Dining After Dark

When the sun sets in the desert, the temperature drops very quickly. Fortunately, my neighbors have a propane heater built into their outdoor table, so we were able to dine in comfort...

Glenn & Sheila

Sunday, November 17, 2024

96 Ranch Road

The 96 Ranch Road south of Florence, AZ got its name from an old abandoned ranch...

It appears to have been a nice home years ago

Unfortunately, time and vandals have taken their toll...

On the way to the ranch, you pass a number of huge, 100+ year old saguaros including a very unique half-crested one...

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Bitcoin Soaring

Bitcoin has been setting all time high price records since Trump was elected President. I started mining it years ago when it was $100 per coin. I now have ~$6000 (at current values) which I use to buy Amazon gift cards. If you have a high end computer with excellent cooling, may I recommend a Windows based program called Kryptex that mines cryptocurrency 24/7 and still allows you to use your computer for other purposes.

You can also purchase Bitcoin via sites like Coinbase, but remember it is highly volatile which makes it a risky investment; whereas mining has very little risk.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Bad Influence

They say you can judge a person by the company they keep. I think I may be in trouble...

Missy, Darby, Dale

You may note that while they were drinking beer, I was drinking ice tea. I was the "designated passenger" on the ride.

Saturday, November 02, 2024

Backway To Mt Lemmon

I took the Jeep the backway to Mount Lemmon from Oracle, AZ. It's a crooked, dirt trail that requires a high clearance vehicle. Although I enjoyed the ride, there were not enough "WOW" moments for me to want to do it again anytime soon.

I thought the paved road coming up from Tucson was much more scenic and would be a good Sunday drive, particularly, in the hot summer months.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Fine Wine

My neighbor, Missy, works for a very wealthy individual in Wisconsin, who collects and drinks expensive wine. At the end of the summer, he gives her a bunch of bottles that he no longer wants. As a thank you for some work I did for her, she gave me two bottles of Ornellaia 2016. Out of curiosity, I went online and was able to find it on sale for only $279.99...

Not wanting to drink alone, I shared my good fortune with my other neighbors last night. Nothing like a $300 wine with your smashburgers. The sad part of the experience was I could not tell much of a difference between it and my $10 bottle with the screw top. Apparently, I do not have a sophisticated enough palate.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Rummaging Rodent

My neighbor has a large rat running around his tool shed at night, so we setup a trail cam to monitor its activity and see if we could trap it. Although we got some great video clips, the rat was too smart for the trap. Watch how it plays with and moves the trap without tripping it...


Tonight, we are going to switch the bait from cheese to peanut butter, drop some poison bait and then see what happens.

Update 10/27/2024: That rat outsmarted us once again. It is so big that it was able to reach the peanut butter without putting enough weight on the plate to trip the trap. However, it did take the poison bait, so we may get it that way. Video posted at

Update 10/28/2024: It appears we may have gotten the rat with the poison bait as it did not reappear on last night's video...

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Mesmerizing Sunset

Click on image to enlarge