Saturday, October 05, 2024

FEMA Failure

The federal government cares more for illegal immigrants than for its own citizens...


Elon Musk and private individuals have done more for the victims of Helene than the entire Biden/Harris administration.

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Thursday, September 26, 2024

More Liberal Hypocrisy

Kamala Harris drops millions on private jet spending despite calling climate change an 'existential threat'...

Apparently, it's okay to pollute the environment if it is for political purposes such as fund raising
Click here for full story

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Surveillance Cameras

I recently purchased two wireless solar surveillance cameras to cover both entrances to the house. Last night was a good example of how effective these cameras are as an unknown vehicle was recorded checking out my place a little after 8:00 pm. Although it was probably someone who did not realize I tend to go to bed with the chickens, it's reassuring knowing that I will have video evidence if an intruder steps onto the property.


Monday, September 16, 2024

Arizona Heat

I believe I have come up with a way to beat the Arizona summer heat...

Saturday, September 14, 2024


When you live out in the desert, you get to see a lot of interesting critters...


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Siphon Fire

A fire in the Superstition Mountains north of me has burned over 2,000 acres and is 0% contained. There have been a number of evacuations east of Apache Junction, but I am far enough away that there should be no problem here. This is the view from my front porch...

Click on image to enlarge

Update: You can now see the flames from the fire...

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Unleashing Elon Musk

This is the type of thinking that we need in government...


Sunday, September 01, 2024

Toad Heaven

We finally got some monsoon rain & wind and I am pleased to report that my awning is still intact and my new roof does not leak. One group that enjoyed the downpour are the desert toads...

Click on image to enlarge

Friday, August 30, 2024

Storage Shed

One disadvantage to living in a park model is not having quite enough storage space for all your stuff. Today, I had a Suncast resin shed delivered which then had to be assembled. I suspect a good handyman could probably put it together in less than an hour. However, it took me almost three hours (which I think qualifies me to be on a state road crew). Once again, I was reminded of how bad my endurance is, particularly, in the desert heat. I would work for 20-30 minutes and then need a break. I am hoping that consuming mass quantities of alcohol and ibuprofen will dull the pain tonight. As I have often said "getting old is not for sissies".

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Baby Rattlesnake

When I opened the front door this morning, I was greeted by a baby rattlesnake wanting to join me for coffee, so I called Scott, our professional snake removal expert here in the park. He told me that he had recently removed another rattlesnake near my home which makes me wonder "where is the rest of the family".

Click on image to enlarge

Thursday, August 22, 2024

818,000 Fewer Jobs

How can you trust an administration/government that overestimates job creation by 818,000...


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Nails & Screws

One hazard from having work done on my awning and roof is the number of nails and screws left on the ground around the house...

And just when I think I have found them all, I'll walk by a couple of days later and find a few more. It's like a never ending scavenger hunt.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Roof Repair

The same storm that damaged my awning also damaged a number of shingles. After looking at the roofer's photos, I decided to replace the entire roof with newer, heavier shingles so that I do not have to worry about leaks in the near future. My knees hurt just watching one of the workers haul 70 pound bundles on his shoulder up a very tall and steep ladder...

The other thing that amazes me is how Hispanics can work in long sleeve hoodies in 100+ degree weather!

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Awning Repaired

I finally got the damaged awning repaired...

It's nice to be able to park all my vehicles in the carport again

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Eerie Eyes

The toads were out in force last night...

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Kamala Harris Parody

Sadly, the parody Kamala is more truthful than the real Kamala

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Another Pack Rat

I noticed a rather large hole in the front of my home, so I setup a trail cam to see what was using it...

I'm setting out more traps and throwing some poison packets under the house to stop the infestation

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Illegal Voting

A majority of House Democrats voted against a bill that would require voters to show proof of citizenship. Under current U.S. law, only citizens can vote in federal elections, but the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 prohibits states from confirming citizenship status. In my opinion, this is why Biden and his DEI administration have allowed 10+ million illegal and unvetted immigrants into the country. In swing states, it would only take a small percentage of illegals voting to influence the outcome of an election.

Democrats do not care about the country nor its citizens. Their only interest is getting and keeping power and they are willing to do and say anything to achieve that goal. If the DNC believed those illegals would vote Republican, I suspect Pelosi and Schumer would be on the first private jet to the border to help erect that wall.

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Gambel's Quail Families

Video of a large group of Gambel's quail and a lone desert hare... 

The chicks are growing up

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Saving Democracy

Democrats continue to say that Trump is a threat to democracy. As usual, what they accuse him of is what they are actually doing. Here is a video that proves my point...

Friday, June 28, 2024

Sunday, June 23, 2024

No Longer A Dry Heat

Southern Arizona is traditionally known for its dry heat (<10% humidity) which makes high temperatures more tolerable. Unfortunately, we are experiencing much higher than normal humidity levels (currently ~45%). If this keeps up, I may have to move to Florida this summer to cool off. <grin>

Click on image to enlarge

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Storm Damage

Last night just before dark, monsoon winds swept through the park doing extensive damage. It tore up my carport awning and damaged the rear of my car...

It could have been worse. One of my neighbors lost their roof...

My next door neighbor lost their carport awning and the roof of their Arizona room. Somehow that roof was lifted in the air, tossed over my house and landed in the field across the street. Otherwise, there would have been significant damage to my place. It was one of the more frightening storms I have experienced and I have lived through a couple of hurricanes. Now, the ordeal of dealing with insurance and repairs begins.