Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Bathroom Surprise

This was in my shower stall tonight...

I think I need to have a long talk with my exterminator

Monday, August 28, 2023

Fantastic Body Painting illusions

Once again, I am amazed at the imagination and creativity of some artists. The following video depicts animal illusions that were created by using body painted models...

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Toad Snack

Here's the upside to having hungry toads around the house...

Monday, August 21, 2023

Rising Gas Prices

The cost of gasoline has risen dramatically here in southern Arizona and is now averaging around $4.49/gallon. Back in March of 2022, I posted an article on how an abundant, affordable source of energy is the basis for a modern economy to grow and prosper. Even Elon Musk, perhaps, the smartest man on the planet and a proponent of electric vehicles, believes we should increase domestic production. 

As far as I can tell, Biden's war on fossil fuels has done virtually nothing to improve the environment. It has, however, created high inflation (fuel affects the cost of all goods & services) and made our enemies richer by raising the cost of the oil we import (in a way we are funding the Ukraine war). Until China, India and Russia quit building new coal-fired power plants, the "green new deal" is simply hurting the U.S. The rest of the world has to be laughing their collective asses off watching our own government destroy the country.

Hypocritically, the Biden administration continues to fly all over the world for political junkets, fundraising and vacations. As usual they are never subject to the actions they impose on the rest of us.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Orwell's 1984

I just re-read Orwell's 1984 and the similarities between it and what is happening with our government today are simply frightening. When I first read the book many years ago, I thought this would never happen in America. Little did I realize how prophetic it would be. In my opinion, this book should be required reading in school. Click here to download a free copy in a pdf format.

If you enjoy 1984, then I would also recommend Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. It's long and a little wordy for my taste, but tells a great story.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Wyze Time Lapse Video

I have been using Wyze Cams for some time now. They are inexpensive and loaded with features. It's how I recorded the quail and roadrunner videos. Here is a time lapse video that shows the clouds moving across the sky...

Photos were taken every 3 seconds

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Gambel's Quail

A family of Gambel's quail at the watering hole...

Sunday, August 06, 2023


Here's a video of a young roadrunner drinking from a pool of water created by the A/C...

Update: the next day the roadrunner returned and I was able to create another longer video...

Thursday, August 03, 2023

Showing Respect

I don't play golf but 3 of my friends do. I went with them just to get out of the house on a nice day. They invited an older man whom I did not know. They all played and I kept score. We were near a highway and the older gentleman was about to tee off when a funeral procession passed by. The older man stopped, put his club down, took off his hat and bowed his head. We all noticed that and did likewise. The funeral procession passed and he took his stance when I told him that was a nice, respectful thing he just did. He looked at me and said, "It was the least I could do. She was a good wife for 47 years".

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

The Mystery Continues

Back in May of 2022, I wrote about people parking right next to my new car regardless of how far away from other vehicles I parked. Well, here it is over a year later and I am still having the same problem...

If you have any idea as to why people do this, let me know in the comment section below.