Sunday, April 07, 2013

Poison Spider, Golden Spike, Eagle's Dare, Rusty Nail

I enjoyed yesterday's jeep ride so much that I joined Bob and a smaller group to tour Poison Spider, Golden Spike, Eagle's Dare, and Rusty Nail. If you would like to test your and your vehicle's limits... or just scare the crap out of a newbie passenger, then these are the trails for you.

You would not think that riding around in a jeep all day would tire you out but I am absolutely beat. Then again, wondering if you are going to slide off the side of a cliff and go up in a fiery ball of flames may have been a contributing factor. Click on photos to enlarge.

What do you mean we're going up that!

What do you mean we're going down that!

Corona Arch (note people in bottom left)

Here's a video of Bob going up the Witch's Crotch (I did not name it) on Golden Spike...

Here's a video of a hill climb taken from inside the Jeep...


  1. It won,t be long before your turn your RZR in for a Jeep!!!!

  2. Perhaps, I could have both!
