Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Post-retirement Avocations

When the temperature is 105-110 degrees, you do not spend a lot of time outdoors so I have been going through some travel photos taken over the past three years and reminiscing about second career choices after retiring.

Initially, I thought I would like to be a professional motorcycle rider but that just led to a bunch of "bad hair" days...

Then I decided to work at Yellowstone for a summer but I kept getting into hot water...

Next I was going to be a professional guide but I kept getting lost...

The idea of being a forest ranger at Yosemite seemed exciting but after what the National Park Service did during the sequestration, I could not work for them...

I was going to try something simple like changing tires for a living but changed my mind after thinking it through...

I thought for sure being a professional gigolo would be the ideal job but that turned out to be way too much work...

I really liked landscaping but hurt my back while straightening out this rock...

As much as I enjoy off-road riding, I decided doing it professionally might be hazardous to my health...

And once I realized that as a commercial fisherman, I was probably going to go hungry that fell by the wayside also...

Finally, after many trials and tribulations, I found something I was really good at...

If you have any ideas as to what I should try next, please post them in the "Comment" section below.


Anonymous said...

Well Jim......... I'm thinking the gigolo looks most promising. Just sayin'.

Jim Brown said...

You would think so but I found I could not handle those trick questions like "does this dress make me look fat" or "are you going to eat the rest of that".