Saturday, November 28, 2020

CamPark T80 Trail Cam

Last winter, I purchased a trail cam for the purpose of videoing critters out in the desert. Unfortunately, the pandemic hit before I was able to deploy it, so I packed it away in the RV. While moving into the park model, I discovered the cam cleverly concealed in one of my boxes. 

Yesterday afternoon, I placed it in a bush across from my site and left it overnight. Although capturing a rabbit and a gambel quail does not qualify as spectacular viewing, I was pleased with the cam's performance, particularly, the night vision. It should be fun seeing what else is out there.


  1. I like it ! Always fun to watch the critters no matter who or what they are. Thanks! Is it motion sensitive?

  2. Yes, it only records when there is motion. I would like to deploy it near a waterhole to video animals as they come to drink. Unfortunately, it has been so dry here that finding water in the desert is becoming increasingly difficult.
