Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Stomach Flu

Sunday morning about 4:30 a.m. I woke up feeling nauseous and having a severe headache at the base of my skull. It got worse throughout the day with vomiting and diarrhea piling on to the list of symptoms. At first, I thought it was just my body's reaction to the upcoming impeachment hearings in Washington but after talking to my neighbors, decided it was probably the stomach flu that appears to be going around town.

Today is the first day I felt like stepping outside the RV and now appear to be on the mend. It is a very nasty illness that does not allow you to get much rest so lack of sleep adds to the misery. The good news is I have lost weight as a result. However, I do not recommend it for dieting purposes.

PS - I made the unfortunate mistake of turning on the TV this afternoon during the impeachment hearings and the nausea has returned. It looks like I may be buying this stuff in bulk...

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