Saturday, December 21, 2019

Brave Browser

I recently switched from the Chrome browser to the Brave browser for accessing the Internet. The initial reason for the switch was the ability to earn cryptocurrency (BAT coin) while browsing the web as I normally would with Chrome and viewing just the ads I choose to read (you can turn these ads off if you like). However, it turns out I am only making a few cents a day, so it is not worth it for just that purpose.

What has kept me using Brave is its speed and privacy. It is much faster than other browsers I have used in that it blocks all those annoying ads, pop-ups and autoplay videos I had been receiving. Perhaps more importantly, it blocks trackers that allow access to your web activity and data which is then sold to the highest bidder. Here's a snapshot showing that it has blocked 8,575 ads/trackers while saving me 8 minutes and earning 22 cents in BAT coin to date.

I did find that there are times when you do not want it to block certain parts of a web page. I use a script on this blog to show the the location of "Visitors" which Brave was blocking. Thankfully, you can turn off the "shield" for any site you choose and view it without any blocking at all. The browser is free, so give it a try and let me know what you think of it in the comment section below.

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