Tuesday, January 14, 2020

SxS Ride

John was kind enough to invite me to join him and his rowdy friends at the Arizonian on a side-by-side ride to the coke ovens (I believe they are actually charcoal kilns, but everyone refers to them as the coke ovens). If you are not familiar with the trail from Martinez to the ovens, it is a long and rocky ride with a number of obstacles that could be described as not for the faint of heart. I told John I would ride with him if he promised to keep at least two wheels on the ground at all times. Much to everyone's surprise, he kept his promise.

Professional rock crawlers

The camera does not capture how steep this hill is
Click on photo to see the smile on Becky's face

Beautiful scenery along the way

Ron making it look easy

Distant view of the ovens

Unfortunately, the top of one of the ovens has collapsed since I was last here

I hope it was caused by mother nature and not by man

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